About Bethany

Bethany Norman is on a mission to ignite purpose and leave a lasting legacy. With two decades of experience in the world of pageantry, Bethany has transitioned her passion to guide women toward discovering their divine calling beyond their titles. As a dedicated wife and mother, she is driven to encourage, empower, and equip women to lead lives filled with purpose and well-worn crowns, all while shedding the weight of the titles we often strive for.

In a world that constantly tempts us to compare and conform, Bethany understands the importance of staying true to oneself. Having spent years seeking validation through titles, Bethany is now dedicated to helping others uncover and unleash their God-given purpose.

Bethany will walk alongside you as you discover your immeasurable worth in Christ, release yourself from the confines of societal expectations, and embark on a transformative journey toward fulfilling your unique destiny.


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Purpose Discovery and Personal Growth Coaching

Bethany Norman, an expert in unveiling the hidden gems within, specializes in guiding individuals toward the discovery of their true purpose. With her unique blend of experience in pageantry and life coaching, Bethany empowers clients to embrace their inner strengths and passions, fostering personal growth and self-awareness. Her approach focuses on aligning life goals with personal values, encouraging clients to lead authentic, fulfilled lives.

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Legacy Building and Life Planning Coaching

As a seasoned Legacy Builder, Bethany Norman offers strategic coaching in crafting impactful life plans. Her sessions are designed to help clients envision and build a meaningful legacy, focusing on long-term goals and sustainable achievements. Bethany combines her extensive experience in leadership with practical life planning techniques, enabling clients to create a powerful and enduring impact in both their personal and professional spheres.

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Spiritual Development and Faith-Based Coaching

Bethany Norman provides transformative faith-based coaching, integrating spiritual wisdom into everyday life. Her coaching is centered on deepening one’s spiritual journey and understanding of divine purpose. With a nurturing approach, Bethany helps clients explore how faith shapes their life choices and purpose, promoting a harmonious balance between spiritual beliefs and daily actions. Her sessions are ideal for those seeking to enrich their life with spiritual growth and purpose-driven living.

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